My name is Dana, and I am your accredited Sacred Celebrant of Avalon. I am here in service of your need to weave magic into the fabric of your life one ceremony at a time. How do we weave magic into our lives? It’s a lot of fun and easier than it sounds! These results can be achieved as we work together to co-create completely unique, bespoke ceremonies to both celebrate and honor the many rites of passage that we journey through together as souls having a human experience.


Our ancient ancestors utilized sacred ritual and ceremony to mark transitions in life and passages of time. These rites were typically administered by Ceremonialists or Shamans who had been initiated into sacred understanding of the great mysteries of nature and universal energies. The ceremonies conducted were often powerful portals that served to connect us to our highest selves and the divine energy of the cosmos. For this to be a safe and loving space for others, the Ceremonialist or Shaman had to be a clear channel and a steady conduit to hold that experience with the respect and reverence it deserves.

For thousands of years, many of these old ways were lost to the paradigm we currently live within which focuses on material achievement, dominance, power, and control. As this paradigm breaks down, more and more people are experiencing a stirring – a call to return to things we have long-forgotten. Many are now remembering as we awaken from our long sleep and experience a shift in personal and collective consciousness. In response to this shift, there is a growing desire to change the ways in which we honor love, life & loss as a community. Enter the Sacred Celebrant.

The art of Holding Sacred, Loving & Safe Space

Ceremonies are designed to help connect you to a deep well within yourself and to the greater forces beyond what we can see and comprehend with our limited senses. Because of this, I make a solemn vow to remain grounded, committed, and reverent to the nature of this work.

I have been initiated and professionally trained into the vocation of sacred celebrancy on the Isle of Avalon in the Heart Chakra of the Mother Earth by the Priestess’ of Avalon in Glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom. The organization that I worked with is fully accredited and world-renowned for their commitment and dedication to training the best of the best as Sacred Celebrants.

I promise to, within the best of my ability, always hold safe and loving space for you to make those connections within. It is my sincerest wish that you will feel lovingly held from a place of compassion and empathy in a way that allows you to relax and open your heart to the experience. Every bespoke ceremony that I conduct is done from the heart and without a script. I am proud to be your smooth, slick, and professional Sacred Celebrant.