The Passing Over Ceremony

The Passing Over Ceremony enables close family and friends to come together in a beautifully prepared space to speak, feel, express, and participate in an interactive way that is both ceremonial and self-counselling.

This gentle but powerful ceremony facilitates healing for those who gather in celebration and remembrance of the dearly departed which assists in each person’s personal progress through grief and mourning. This type of ceremony is meant to be intimate and should be limited to not more than 10-12 guests.

The Passing Over Ceremony

When dealing with the death of a beloved family member or friend, many people find themselves without the means to begin processing such a challenging life event. There is often a great deal of distraction due to the practical arrangements that must be addressed immediately after the passing; the “admin” of loss can run for days, weeks, and possibly even several months depending on circumstances. Attending the administrative tasks only deprives those responsible of the vital time that is needed to process the physical departure of our person, leaving those closest to the departed soul grappling with reality once the practicalities have all been sorted. The Passing Over Ceremony assists the closest family and dearest friends of the departed to express themselves through the healing journey of this type of ceremony.

The Passing Over Ceremony Includes:

  • Free 30-minute discovery call.
  • Face-to-face 60-minute Consultation (held over Zoom if distance is an issue).
  • Beautiful elemental table altar representation for your ceremony.
  • Grounding and centering meditation for you and your guests.
  • A ritual journey through the four elements to bless you and the soul of your dearly departed: Air, Fire, Water & Earth.
  • Bespoke guided meditation journey led by me as your Celebrant to accompany the soul of your dearly departed from the earthly realms to the Summerlands.
  • One commemorative candle to light in remembrance of your dearly departed loved one.

Investment: $325
*Not including travel stipend for areas outside of Allegan, Kent, Ottawa, or Muskegon Counties.