Soul Coaching

Greetings Sister,

As a transitional Soul Coach, I am standing here at the crossroads to welcome you with an open heart and a loving embrace. I see you, and I understand that the journey thus far may have been long, difficult, and possibly confusing. You must be so tired. Please come rest beside me for a spell as you catch your breath and get your bearings.

Often when we find ourselves standing at a crossroads, we are looking for support as we try to make sense of the changes we are facing in our lives. Transitions often include grief from having suffered some sort of loss; this grief can act as a portal that brings wounds from childhood forward which can feel a bit confusing. You might not even realize it is happening at first, but as you settle into mourning your present loss, you begin to find yourself reflecting on losses or experiences from your childhood that you haven’t thought about or felt in years. Something you can’t quite put your finger on begins to stir within you, and you feel a pull to explore the deeper meaning of it all. That’s where Soul Coaches come in; I act as a guide and a lamp post for you on your journey. This is a territory I am quite familiar with and have a great deal of experience navigating.

One thing I feel passionate about is making sure that I am not just dropping content into the lap of a sister who is struggling and leaving her to do the work alone.

For too long, women have been alienated from the healing power of sister circles, and I’m here to help change that.

I believe that healing does not happen in a vacuum; as our wounds are relational, our healing must also happen in relationship with caring others and in community. It feels important to me to be present as a witness and in support of women who seek help with navigating life’s transitions at the intersection of grief, trauma, and midlife. With that in mind, please see below for details on the current programs that I offer to support you through a 1:1 coaching relationship.

To help ease the burden of making a heavy commitment up-front, I have broken what would otherwise be a 9-month long container up into three distinct segments; each segment may run concurrently or, you may choose to take an intentional break between each segment to rest and integrate before continuing along on your journey.

The choice is yours to make, and I hope that having these options perhaps might allow you to feel comfortable with a smaller amount of commitment.

Remember – you are wild, wise, and sacred. All of the answers that you seek already reside within you. Sometimes, we just need someone to hold our hand and hold up a mirror and help us see what we currently are unable to for ourselves. Honor your inner wisdom and please take your time with this decision. If it’s not a full body yes, your answer should be no or at least not right now.

I’m always happy to discuss any hesitations or reservations that may come up for you as you consider if working with me is a good fit for your life. I want this to feel safe and comfortable for you, always.

The Hearth 🜂

Come in, weary sister. Sit beside my fire and warm the chill from your bones. You are safe and welcome here.

“The Hearth” is meant to be like the tender embrace of someone who’s been there, and a warm soft place to shelter from the brutal nature of life’s storms. Here you will find rest, comfort, nourishment, and safety as you begin to unpack and explore the nuance and complexity of how grief from loss, cultural conditioning, and childhood wounds have impacted your life.

This program is 3-month long interval of sacred, shame-free mirroring to support women who find themselves navigating transitions in life that may include complicated/traumatic grief and/or understanding C-PTSD trauma healing. As each woman is an individual, this is an intuitively-led container that is tailored to your specific needs and personal goals.

This program functions as an introduction to understanding the complicated intersection of grief and trauma and how our bodies respond to these things. Over the course of three months, you will receive: dedicated presence, shame-free witnessing, judgment-free listening, education to raise your awareness, tools to assist in mind/body/soul healing, and gentle accountability. These elements are all vital components to foster feelings of safety; feelings of safety are necessary for nervous system regulation, and a regulated nervous system is necessary for stuck energy to move through our bodies to complete the arousal cycle which has been interrupted by trauma.

Together, we will explore the following areas of healing: cognition (education + understanding), embodiment (nervous system regulation), energetic balance (masculine/feminine energy), spiritual transformation (fill your cup), and surrendering into peace (integration + acceptance).

The Hearth Includes:

  • 12x Total Live, Private 1:1 Sessions
    • 1x 90-minute intake + goal setting session
    • 11x 90-minute weekly Zoom calls
  • High-quality educational handouts including resources, hints, tips & journal prompts that correspond with the topics covered during each weekly session
    • These will help build a resource library of documents that you may return to as needed
  • Shared self-observation checklist (living document in Google Drive)
  • Voxer voice support between sessions
  • 3x “Healing Times” Newsletters – customized with content to help support you on your journey
  • Introduction to Human Design – mini chart reading

Your Investment: $2,739 paid in full
3 monthly payments of $913

12 per session payments of $228.25

The Well 🜄

Prerequisite – must have completed The Hearth Program prior to being eligible for this program.

The storm has subsided, and your strength is gradually returning. Your legs may still be feeling a bit wobbly, and if that’s the case… I will walk with you to the well. Here, we drink freely and deeply of the waters that nourish our souls on their journey to return to wholeness.

This program is a 3-month long interval of sacred, shame-free mirroring for continued support in your personal growth and healing journey. The intensity is lower for this program with bi-weekly meetings instead of weekly. During this program, we can deep dive into areas that your soul is seeking further clarification on, and you will continue to receive gentle accountability as you progress in your work toward your personal goals.

The Well Includes:

  • 6x Total Live, Private 1:1 Sessions
    • 6x 90-minute biweekly Zoom calls
  • High-quality educational handouts including hints & tips, journal prompts for going deeper, and resources that correspond with any new information covered during the container.
  • Shared self-observation checklist (living document in Google Drive)
  • 3x up to 60 minutes of Voxer support per month between sessions

Your Investment: $1,320 paid in full
3 monthly payments of $440

6 per session payments of $220

The Discovery Den 🜁

Prerequisite – must have completed The Hearth Program prior to being eligible for this program.

Your strength has returned, and you can do nearly everything on your own again now. Your legs are feeling steadier beneath you, and you feel less and less like you are at the mercy of what life throws at you. You are ready to have a little fun and explore, but you value having guidance and appreciate the accountability of working together. In your heart, you would prefer to see those supports continue for a while longer.

This program is a 3-month long interval of sacred, shame-free mirroring for continued support in your personal growth and healing journey. The intensity is lower for this program with monthly meetings instead of weekly or bi-weekly. During this program, we can either continue to deep dive into areas that your soul is seeking further clarification on, or we can head to the Discovery Den and explore what calls to your heart while there.  There is flexibility here – you help set the tone for this time of working (or playing) together with your soul’s desires. You will continue to receive gentle accountability as you progress in your work toward your personal goals.

The Discovery Den Includes:

  • 3x Total Live, Private 1:1 Sessions
    • 3x 90-minute monthly Zoom calls
  • High-quality educational handouts including hints & tips, journal prompts for going deeper, and resources that correspond with any new information covered during the container.
  • Shared self-observation checklist (living document)
  • 3x up to 30 minutes of Voxer support per month between sessions

Investment: $990 paid in full
3 monthly/per session payments of $33

The Dining Room Table 🜃

We all need a little support along the way. This session may be used when you need a sacred mirror and/or witnessing to help you work through a specific issue that is coming up in your life. Come have a seat at my table, beloved. I am here to listen to and support you.

Prerequisite – must have completed The Hearth Program prior to being eligible for this program.

The Dining Room Table Includes:

  • 1x Total Live, Private 1:1 Session
    • 1x total 90-minute Zoom call
  • High-quality educational handouts including hints & tips, journal prompts for going deeper, and resources that correspond with any new information covered during the container.
  • 1x up to 30 minutes of Voxer support to be used within 2 weeks after session is held

Your Investment: $220 paid in full

Option to Bundle ꩜

Already know in your heart that you’re ready to commit to all three segments? Huzzah – that’s exciting!!! Here is one more option to consider: bundle all three programs, save a little bit of money and gain more potential payment options. See below for more details:

  • You would have 12 months to complete all 3 programs, giving you the option to pause/integrate between, if desired (this is encouraged)
  • You gain attractive, even payment options for the duration of the program

Your Investment: $5,000 paid in full
12 monthly payments of $416.66

9 monthly payments of $555.55
21 bi-weekly payments of $238.10